In accordance with Article 10 of Law 34/2002, on July 11th, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (L.S.S.I.), it is hereby stated that SUSEIA S. COOP. GALEGA with CIF number F-70.589.023, is the owner of the present domain www.framegalicia.com.

These terms and conditions, in addition with your acceptance in the purchase confirmation, constitute the contract between YOU and SUSEIA S. COOP. GALEGA.


SUSEIA S. COOP. GALEGA will file the electronic document in which the Contract is formalised and this will be accessible to the user at the time of request. SUSEIA S. COOP. GALEGA will send a copy to the Client once the purchase process has been completed, also enclosing a copy of this document; General Conditions of Purchase, Withdrawal Document and Purchase Invoice.


As a general rule, placing an order with SUSEIA S. COOP. GALEGA implies the acceptance of the present General Terms and Conditions of Purchase reflected in this document. We reserve the right to make changes to our website, our Policies and our Terms and Conditions, expressly including the present Terms and Conditions of Sale, at any time.

The Customer declares, at his/her own risk, that he/she has read and understood these Terms and Conditions of Purchase and accepts them. No stipulation made by the Customer may differ from those of SUSEIA S. COOP. GALEGA if they have not been expressly accepted by our online sales department.


Customers have several ways to place their orders:

  1. By Internet: via www.framegalicia.com


All prices shown on the product sheet do not include taxes or other applicable fees. Prices are expressed in euros (€). The applicable price will be the price at the time the customer made the purchase. The published prices are valid until the end of the validity of the offer.

SUSEIA S. COOP. GALEGA reserves the right to modify product prices without prior notice. However, these possible changes will not affect orders already confirmed.


The following payment methods are available (to be chosen by the customer):

  1. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD: The amounts will be charged from the moment of purchase. For your security, the bank details entered are encrypted and transmitted securely to the bank's servers and are subsequently verified with the issuing bank to prevent possible fraud and abuse.
  2. PAYPAL: The payment notification is received by SUSEIA S. COOP. GALEGA immediately, unlike other methods in which confirmation of payment by the Customer takes a few days. This payment method does not imply any increase in the price of the article. PayPal allows you to pay directly without communicating your financial data on the Internet. PayPal automatically encrypts confidential data with the help of the best technologies available on the market.


According to current legislation (Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, on November 16th, approving the revised text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws), all new products have a two-year guarantee. SUSEIA S. COOP. GALEGA is responsible for guaranteeing them. The guarantee for the products purchased will be their purchase invoice.

The warranty period begins with the date of delivery of the product. Any incident or anomaly during the warranty period must be reported by e-mail to framegalicia@framegalicia.com.


The acquisition of the selected image or images will grant the purchaser a non-exclusive licence for a single use of the said images, non-transferable to third parties, of worldwide scope and with a duration that will cover the entire period of protection established in the current Spanish Intellectual Property Law, Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, on April 12th, until their entry into the public domain. The exploitation rights granted will be those of reproduction, distribution, transformation and public communication in all its forms, including, expressly, making it available.


SUSEIA S. COOP. GALEGA shall be exclusively liable for damages caused directly to the Client, when they are the result of grossly negligent or culpable conduct. It will be, in any case, exempt from liability for damages caused to third parties outside the present contractual relationship. Likewise, SUSEIA S. COOP. GALEGA. will be exempt from the damages caused directly to the Customer when these are caused by force majeure, fortuitous event or any other cause beyond the control of SUSEIA S. COOP. GALEGA.

In any case, the Customer is expressly informed that the images may not be used for illegal purposes or to incite an illegal act, nor may they be used without the express consent of SUSEIA S. COOP. GALEGA for subjects classified as particularly sensitive. We expressly cite as sensitive topics, for exemplary and non-limiting purposes, the following: explicit sexual activity, use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs, health problems, sexually transmitted diseases and infections, excessive or graphic violence, invasive of privacy, defamatory, slanderous or fraudulent, false, misleading, those that incite hatred or that are derogatory for reasons of race, nationality, ethnic identity, gender or sexual orientation or political or religious orientation.


The Customer may terminate the contract in the following cases:

  1. Error in the purchase by the Client.
  2. The images purchased by the Customer and sent by SUSEIA S. COOP. GALEGA has a defect of origin, the product does not conform to what was offered, when it is not sent with the resolution offered, or when the image is defective or when a different image is sent to the one purchased by the Customer.

In the event of any of the circumstances described above, please contact us as soon as possible, through our customer services, so that we can solve the problem.

If the images purchased by the Customer have a defect of origin, the Customer shall be entitled to replacement or repair, as appropriate in each specific case. In the event of an error in the purchase, the Customer must inform us as soon as possible and, in any case, within 24 hours of purchase.


The formalisation of any commercial relationship with SUSEIA S. COOP. GALEGA through this website requires the prior registration of the customer or user. The customer acknowledges and affirms that the data is theirs, true and real by sending the registration form.

As a registered user, he/she declares to be of legal age and to have sufficient legal capacity to be bound by the present General Purchasing Conditions when contracting any service with SUSEIA S. COOP. GALEGA.

SUSEIA S. COOP. GALEGA reserves the right to cancel or cancel an account in the event of inactivity for a prolonged period of time.

When the Customer places the first order, the system will ask for additional personal data for the order (invoicing data).

In the event that the Customer has already placed previous orders, he/she will only have to indicate his/her e-mail address and password on the form.

In compliance with the provisions of art. 27.1.c of Law 34/2002, on July 11th, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), the Customer will have technical means at their disposal to identify and correct errors in the entry of personal data.

The registered Client will have at all times, by entering their user name and password, a control panel where they will be able to modify at any time incorrect data on personal data of their account, as well as billing data.


In order to place an order, the customer must be at least 18 years old.


At SUSEIA S. COOP. GALEGA we take the protection of our customers' data very seriously. For more information you can consult our Privacy Policy.


SUSEIA S. COOP. GALEGA reserves the right to modify the General Conditions of Sale without prior notice, being able to change, delete or add both the contents and services provided through it and the way in which they are presented or located on its servers. These changes must be accepted by the Client each time a purchase is made. For this reason, this page should be reviewed frequently each time a purchase is made.

If any clause of these General Terms and Conditions is declared totally or partially null or ineffective, it will only affect that provision or part of the same that is null or ineffective, with the rest of the general conditions remaining in force and the provision or part of the same that is affected being considered as not being in force, unless, as it is essential to these general conditions, it should affect them in their entirety.


These General Conditions are governed by Spanish law. The parties submit, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, to the Courts and Tribunals of the Customer's domicile.